In today’s competitive, fast-paced business world, it pays to stand out from the overcrowded market, where fluid web & App design can help build a strong brand persona as well as intrigue your customers.



312 Walnut St #1600, Cincinnati, OH 45202

9078 Union Centre Blvd #350 West Chester OH 45069

3805 Edwards Rd #550, Cincinnati, OH 45209


Made for the IUOE

Apprenticeship Management Software

The Apprenticeship Management System was developed to assist with the tracking of information related specifically to the IUOE Apprenticeship.

  1. User Management
    1. Applicant
    2. Pre-Admission
    3. Members
    4. Other
    5. Contractor Reps
    6. Vendor Reps
    7. Trainee’s
  2. CCO
    1. Tracking Certifications / Expirations
  3. Classes
    1. Create / Organize Classes
    2. Create a roster
    3. Signup for class via mobile app
    4. Assign Tests to classes
    5. Associate certifications with classes and passing of class and / or test
  4. Equipment
    1. Real Time Equipment Inventory
    2. Organized Equipment information
    3. Pictures
  5. Vendors
    1. Add / Edit / Remove Vendors from active vendor list
    2. Assign contacts to each vendor (sale rep, maintenance, etc..)
  6. Contactors
    1. Add / Edit / Remove Vendors from active vendor list
    2. Assign contacts to each contractor (project manager, foreman, etc..)
  7. Vouchers
    1. Keep track of invoices and payments
  8. Reporting
    1. Provide CVS, Excel, and PDF outputs